Right above you`ll find all the cool things to do at NicRock (sunslide)! 99.8 percent of this was done by myself, with some ideas and articles from other websites (the other 2%. Oh, and don't worry. I had permission and/or that was what the website allowed to take the ideas and artricles. Look on the thanks page to see what thses other webmasters did to tribute to NicRock!)! I really hope you enjoy my website! I add new things alot, and I update from time to time. (when I say update from time to time, I say time to time cuz I baisicly go through everything and rewrite and redo. I remodle!) I am alittle short on I deas (and traffic!) at the moment, and will appreciate any!
Here is where I`d like to put my thanks to other webmasters for their support and ideas. If there is someone who has helped me alot, waaaay more than the need to, ill list them on my homepage.
Thanks to:
Sanajamil for the web title 'NicRock' (her website I cannot reach anymore. she may have deleted it.)
Kookiecat For viziting my web and giving support
Physic For the idea of the web list, support, and most of all, putting my web on the search engines ( google, yahoo...)!